H 级干式变压器浇注料 产品型号 混合比例 Tg (℃) 耐热等级 用途概述 KMC229 A/B 100:100 115 H 工作温度高及耐温度好,抗裂性好,优越的机械性能。广泛应用于电容器、电热管、滤波器、...
9002GA-3/9002GB-3 Epoxy Resin and Curing Agent potting materials suitable for FBT and Motor Ignition. Ⅰ. Component A: Epoxy Resin , Filler, Additive B: Acid Anhydride, Accelerator Ⅱ. Characteristics a) Excellent workability b) Excellent...
常温固化耐高温环氧树脂灌封胶/导热环氧胶1020A/B 一、 简介: 中低温硬化型太阳能转换器专用灌封胶 是一种双组份硬化型灌封材料,它在固化后成为致密性固体结构,具有良好的柔韧...
管 道 螺 纹 环 氧 树 脂 一、 简介: 1030A/B 环氧树脂胶水,混合后粘度低,可使用时间适中,固化后透明度及电气特性优秀,也可加入各种颜色。 二、 常规性能: 测试项目 测试方法或...
1010wA/1010B high temperature bonding with epoxy resin I. Introduction: 1010WA / B series high-performance epoxy resin imported amine curing agent composition and diversity of material, a mixture of low viscosity, can be used for a long tim...
I. Introduction: 1000A/1000B system performance and weather resistance imported epoxy cycloaliphatic curing agent combination of materials, mixing low viscosity, can be used for a long time, after curing, high hardness, heat resistance up t...
Room temperature curing epoxy potting high temperature / thermal conductivity epoxy glue 1020A / B I. Introduction: The low-temperature hardening solar converter is a two-component special potting potting material hardening, it cured a dens...
9000GA/120B flexible epoxy material I. Introduction: Imports of high-performance epoxy resin system 9000GA/120B amine curing agent composition and diversity of material, a mixture of low viscosity, can be used for a long time, after curing...
9000GA/1042B clutch special epoxy material I. Introduction: Imports of high-performance epoxy resin system 9000GA/1042B amine curing agent composition and diversity of material, a mixture of low viscosity, can be used for a long time, after...
9000GA/1042B special epoxy material sensor I. Introduction: Imports of high-performance epoxy resin system 9000GA/1042B amine curing agent composition and diversity of material, a mixture of low viscosity, can be used for a long time, after...